About Us
How We Got Started
The CWG was founded in early 2020 in response to the Black Summer bushfire crisis that heavily impacted Cobargo and surrounds and much of Australia’s East coast.
So many people were left traumatised by the event, and it was these people that Cobargo Wellness Group’s founder, Sarah Campbell Lambert, set out to help.
She knew that trauma stays in the body as well as the mind and in the early weeks, the CWG’s function was to organise volunteer practitioners to provide massage, bodywork, yoga, kinesiology, reiki, meditation, safety workshops and anything else that the community felt they needed, even if it was just a cuppa and a chat.
The land and out buildings were burnt but the family home was still standing which became the Cobargo Wellness centre. It provided the space for practitioners to deliver the much needed therapies and classes to anyone in need.
In the first two months, many dozens of the community received treatments or attended workshops and classes provided free of charge by a long list of local and interstate volunteers.
Since then it’s function has expanded to include community events, educational programs and theatre shows, workshops, individual treatments and retreats and in July 2020 was formally established as a not for profit organisation.
Now with the added strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CWG’s work has never been more needed.

Our Mission and Values
We support communities in the areas of mental, emotional and physical wellness whether in crisis, after traumatic events or for general well being.
Our main focus is…. to help foster kindness, compassion and connection within communities.
This is achieved through evidence based education, including individual sessions, group work and workshops, events and retreats, anything that brings people together.
The CWG offers support to individuals and organisations who offer evidence based workshops, theatre/shows, sports, retreats and community events for mental health and physical wellness projects. (please see our ‘projects’ for current programs)
In this way we aim to..
Support the whole community at what ever level of recovery they’re experiencing as well as those more susceptible to trauma, fostering resilience and a swift recovery after traumatic events and crisis.
Provide therapies, community events and interaction to encourage people to be aware of their well being before health deteriorates to the point where recovery is more difficult and symptoms become entrenched.
Provide support for appropriate practitioners with an organised business model under the umbrella of the Cobargo Wellness Group.
Support our most vulnerable members across all ages with a comprehensive mental health and resilience programs.
Integrity – honesty, unity, transparency and support within community.
Compassion – not only for others but for ourselves.
Responsibility at all times for our own mental and physical well being.
Valuing every individual living in community.
Support – individuals where possible to rehabilitate and move forward.
Purpose – to create a model that can be adopted in any community creating kindness, prosperity, connection, responsibilty, empathy and respect throughout the world.
CWG founder – Sarah Campbell Lambert

Sarah had a successful career as a make-up artist, hairdresser and costume designer for film, TV, theatre and magazines for 18 years in Australia and the U.S.A. For the last eight years she has worked as a therapist teaching mindfulness and meditation and uses hypnosis, kinesiology, EFT, Psych-K and Reiki with her private clients, and runs workshops and retreats.
Sarah was chosen to develop her children’s series ‘Ginger the Frog’ by the iAccelerate program through Wollongong University in 2019. This will premiere in 2021 and will tour to bush fire affected areas.
Sarah and her husband Richard have two grown up daughters and live on the Far South Coast of NSW with a variety of farm animals. Sarah is passionate about supporting her community in the recovery after the Black Summer bushfires and Covid-19 through creativity and wellbeing.