
I hope you enjoy using the techniques in the videos and audios provided further down the page to help calm our nervous systems and reintegrate our brains.

These techniques were used in the Mindful Mondays course earlier this year and have worked well for my clients and myself over the years. What really stood out for me during the bush fires was instinctually using these techniques when under extreme pressure. When calming and balancing techniques become familiar habits then our resilience soars and we’re able to take action physically and mentally to recover and thrive.


It’s well known that stress lowers our immune system, depletes our energy and causes all sorts of diseases.

With Covid around and the endless to do lists and decision making of the rebuild we need to know how to keep our energy levels up, diffuse anxiety, keep calm, be positive and somewhere in all this chaos, practice self care.

The resources here are the tip of the iceberg compared to what will be available in the new digital online course Thriving After Crisis. This course is being developed because of the transformations people had after attending three months of Mindful Mondays sponsored by the CCBRF.

For me Mindful Mondays had a butterfly effect. Maybe I was just ready to hear the ideas and use the breathing and self soothing tools, but since it began I have found strength to address some big health issues.

FR, Dignams Creek

Dear Sarah, Thank you so much for running this course. For all you do for us… May you be infused with inner peace, love and joy. From a heart filled with gratitude.


Learning the relaxation methods has been invaluable. Helping to collect our thoughts. My thoughts were scattered prior to doing this course.

VH, Cobargo

I have appreciated the opportunity to participate in guided activities that provide strategies to improve mental wellbeing. I would particularly like an online course as I would like to revisit aspects of the course as and when necessary. I found it a positive space to be in. Each session has set me up for the week. Thank you.


For more tips and techniques like and follow the Cobargo Wellness Group Facebook page



Introduction to meditation


Guided meditation

E.F.T. Emotional Freedom Technique

Vagal nerve intro and exercises


It’s best to wear headphones or ear buds when listening to these audios. The accompanying tracks have been designed to relax the body and mind, problem solve, let go of old stories creating new neural pathways. This is called neuro plasticity which is defined as the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to stimuli by re organizing its structure, functions, and connections. 

Good morning meditation

Before letting our mind race into the day’s activities it’s great to spend a few moments getting in touch with how our bodies feel. We come into the present moment and focus on our hearts flooding loving energy into our body and giving thanks for the people in our lives. I played this track every morning to my mother who died of cancer in 2019 and it took the fear out of the process for me and for her. Gratitude is a great healer and starting the day in a positive loving way is priceless.


Mindfulness – Rejuvenate and relax

A quick ten minute reboot. Taking our attention away from our present challenges and focusing on relaxing our body, using creative visualisation to relax our mind and then going deeper to reboot our physical energy and emotional stability. Mindfulness is being able to watch our mind rather than being lost in our mind. This takes constant practice. When we get stressed its so easy to forget!





A creative visualisation to remind us to come back to and live our lives from the high vibration of love. The most powerful place to be. This has a ripple effect and expands our consciousness and heals are bodies’, our relationships, our communities and the world.

Surrender the Story

When ever we get challenged and have a strong emotional reaction to someone or something we can feel like we’re in a prison with no way out. It’s time to remember that this is a story, from our past that we’re creating. We’re given the opportunity to let the story go and release the emotional trigger so that all that is left are the facts of the story in our memory.



Sleep Easy

Whether trying to get to sleep or waking in the night unable to get back to sleep this track helps us let go of any gripping tension by regulating our breath and relaxing every part of our bodies. We can then use creative visualisation for deeper relaxation and like surrender the story, the events of the day can be observed from afar taking out the emotional sting and we get the chance to re write the script from the subconscious level.

Chakra Balance

This meditation totally reboots our energy centres one by one and is fabulous for overall wellness. The vibrating tone in the background matches the frequency of our energy centres or ‘Chakras’. It starts at the base chakra which is a lot slower and gradually gets faster and faster as it matches the vibration of each of the seven chakras. Chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. When all the wheels are spinning freely we feel energetic and vibrant.